By signing this waiver, I hereby acknowledge that my participation in activities at Ignite MMA Norwich involves certain risks due to the nature of the sport and could result in physical injury. In my participation I agree to the following: I am aware of the potential risks associated with mixed martial arts training, including but not limited to: bruises, strains, sprains, fractures, dislocations and other injuries.
I certify that I am physically fit and have no medical conditions that would prevent my full participation in the activities offered by Ignite MMA Norwich.
I agree to comply with all gym rules and instructions provided by the trainers and staff during training sessions.
I understand that Ignite MMA Norwich, its trainers, and staff are not responsible for any personal belongings lost or stolen on the premises.
In the event of an injury, I authorize Ignite MMA Norwich to provide necessary first aid and, if required, seek emergency medical treatment.
I release Ignite MMA Norwich, its owners, trainers, and staff from any liability for injuries or damages that may occur while participating in activities at the gym. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand this waiver form and voluntarily agree to its terms.